My Outdoor Desk and Filofax

Thursday 9 January 2014

Wisdom from the East

Those that make you return, for whatever reason,
to the spirit, be grateful to them.

For the most part, this new year has been almost a non-event.  A very quiet Christmas Day, a very sober New Year, and a proceeding week of almost total lack in direction, motivation and energy.

Admittedly, this current mood has an awful lot to do with our current weather here in the Northern Territory of Australia.  Cyclones have been mooching around the Western Australian coast, drawing a good deal of rain - leaving us to swelter in incredibly high humidity, and high temperatures.  The humidity sitting at a constant 70-80%, on its own, just sucks the life out of you.  Add higher than normal temperatures caused by an enormous high pressure in the centre of the country - have us all up here suffocating, and drowning in our own perspiration.

So needless to say, everyone on the home front has been short tempered, frustrated, and just plain irritable.  But today - with a massive effort, motivation found me, and I worked like a Trojan.  That in turn, pushed the kids, and the father into action.  We achieved so much, in the heat of the day.  Add to that a husband that has spent a similar day at work - out in the field on site call outs.

Result - the kids are quiet in their rooms, the husband is asleep on the "lazyboy", and the parents are happily snoozing in front of their TV.  Even the dog and cat are happily settled on the floor next to me...and peace, quiet, tranquillity, and space abounds. 
 I'm happily seated at my desk, several Filofaxes open, and returning to the spirit of my inner thoughts and reflections.
So irritability, exhaustion, short tempers, faulty machinery, and a late monsoon - I thank you,
and I am grateful.

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